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Friday, 14 November 2014

March on ! You are unstoppable

Unstoppable means that which cannot be stopped or prevented. To walk with somewhere quickly in a determined way.

For someone to be unstoppable means the person has a focus, direction, a goal, an objective with a driving force (Determination) to achieve it.

 To be unstoppable is to have a desire to be great in life, a desire for success, a desire for accomplishment; it could be in academics, career, profession, marriage and ministry, and so on.

Desire is borne out of need and not being satisfied with the level that you are now; whatever you desire becomes your pursuit in life.

To be unstoppable means no matter the challenges or the circumstances, you are ready to fight your way through on the top.

You see every challenge as a steeping stone to move forward. You see the hill or mountain as the ladder to take you up God never promise his children a challenge free-life……….. But rather he promises to be there all through.

In this season, for you to experience the overflowing, you must be unstoppable, you cannot give in easily, there is always a dry season, then harmattan the dry season before raining season comes. The vision is for an appointed time, wait for it. Though it tarries, it shall surely come to pass.

Joseph was unstoppable; his 10 brothers put him in pit, sold him to slavery, Portiphar’s wife enforced herself on (Joseph) but he refused and was sent to prison. All through these Joseph remained unstoppable-that your dream can only come to reality when you are determine to fight your way through to the top.

That business must not die!

Arise, learn the rudiments involved, put your time and strength into it and God will take up the rest.

But remember Sampson, his glorious and God given divine ministry was stopped on the lap of a woman-Delilah.
Don’t trade your destiny, life, career, and your future on the lap of women/men.
It may be rough today, your tomorrow will be glorious 

if you can focus and wait on God.

For you to wait on God, you need Jesus in the boat of your life, for him to be the captain, there are success and successes, but good success comes from Joshua 1:8.Wholesome prosperity comes from above only. 3Jn2

No one can stop you, only you can stop yourself.

So, arise and flow and even overflow, you are unstoppable in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

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