The Lord who it pleased to have you as a part taker
of this programme will show Himself in your situation in the mighty name of
Jesus Christ. For He said in Isaiah 45:19,that He has not called you to part
take in the programme in VAIN.
Today we will be addressing and deal with our
foundations/root source of our situation by the power of the Hoy Spirit and the blood of Jesus Christ. For
it is written if the foundation be destroyed, what can the righteous do? Psalm
With a faulty foundation, we definitely will not go
beyond a certain height in life! We will be limited in life but that God for
Jesus Christ.
- You do not read these prayers, you pray them.
- It is a guide for some that used to welfare prayers but if you are new, then you can be picking it and praying.
- You do not murmur these prayers; you pray them out, but of course not to disturb your neighbours.
- It is to be done with a high level of authority, you are not begging or bargaining with satan and his agents for your freedom.
- You are authorising satan and his agents aggressively, you are saying what you want and how you want it with a command from the Lord of Hosts! If satan has the power you have, he would have long killed you and destroyed your soul in hell. Imagine what he is doing with the power of subtly alone !
The days of ignorance are over! Take charge!!
Your testimonies from today will shock you BUT I won’t
be surprise. Because I have seen God work great things through these kinds of
Prayer Guide:
- Praise and worship God
- Ask for mercy and forgiveness of sin
Father in the mighty name of Jesus Christ and by
the power in the blood of Jesus Christ, let every faulty foundation of my
father’s house, of my mother’s house working and opposing my destiny, your thoughts
for me, rejecting my prayers, accusing my prayers, be repaired ! Be repaired be
repaired!! Be repaired in the mighty name of Jesus Christ and by the authority
in the blood of Jesus Christ.
Father by the power of your might, release your
angels to my foundation to alter and destroy every evil foundation of my father’s
house, my mother’s house, my residence, my place of work, my environment
working against me in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!
Blood of Jesus Christ go forth, cleanse and repair
my foundation in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
PRAYER POINT 2: Gal 3:13
13 Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the
law, having become a curse for us (for it is written, "Cursed is everyone
who hangs on a tree"), THEREFORE every curse of my father’s house, of my
mother’s house, of my place of work, of my residence, of my community, of my
environment speaking and working against me, opposing my testimonies, saying no
to my breakthroughs, covering my glory, standing against my marital life,
saying that I won’t carry my children, that I will not marry, that I will not
prosper, Blood of Jesus Christ !!! destroy
and terminate in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.(mention your case if it is not
By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ, I break
myself out of every curse working against me as a result of what my ancestors, parents,
families, friends and enemies did, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. I
command such curses to seize and be terminated in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Whatever that is attached to any tree, buried under
a tree, hung on a tree, blown into the air, thrown into the water, buried under
the ground, done anywhere and anyhow designed to and is or will work against
me, my destiny, my career, my mother’s children, my fruitfulness, (mention your
case if it is not stated) Father let fire that goes before your presence according
to Psalm 97:3, go forth now and consume them! Let them be utterly destroyed in
the mighty name of Jesus Christ! Blood of Jesus Christ!!!! Cancel and destroy them
in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Who is that, that will declare a thing and it comes
to pass when the Almighty God has not commanded it! Lam 3:37
Every spoken and unspoken word against my life, my destiny,
my career, I command in the mighty name of Jesus Christ (mention your case if it
is not stated), fall on the ground and bear no fruit. It is written in Numbers
23:23 that no divination, no sorcerers, no incantations against me shall stand,
therefore any such and such against me, be destroyed, be terminated in the
mighty name of Jesus Christ. It shall not stand neither shall it come to pass according
to Isaiah 7:7 are the words of the wicked against me, in the mighty name of
Jesus Christ.
Every evil alter speaking and working against me,
fire from the presence of God, go forth and consume, destroy and scatter in the
mighty name of Jesus Christ. I raise the alter of God against you, evil alters,
and like dagon before the Ark of God, I command you, fall and break into pieces
in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
Any alter or anywhere, any of my belongings have
been taken to in order to afflict me, monitor or remote me, or its afflicting
me in any area of life, fire of God locate and utterly destroy now in the
mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Let that image or material representing me, my marriage,
my mother’s children, my destiny, (mention your case if it is not stated) in
any alter, in any occult world be consume by fire in the mighty name of Jesus
Every sacrifice done at any road junction or anywhere,
speaking against me and any area of my life, be silenced by the blood of Jesus Christ,
in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
Every evil family pattern of my father’s house, of
my mother’s, by the power that divided the red sea and raised Christ Jesus from
the dead, I command you break and in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. #Evil
pattern is established/decreed /continual occurrence in a family or place, e.g.
no one will live above a certain age, no one will attain a certain height financially,
none shall have a successful marriage, no female will marry etc)#
Every evil pattern of my residence, of my place of
work saying that I won’t attain a certain height, by the power that divided the
red sea and raised Christ Jesus from the dead, I command you break and in the
mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Every evil eye looking against me, my destiny,
career etc be blinded in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
Every evil hand pointing against me, my destiny
career etc, wither and break in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
Evil shall slay the wicked, therefore any man or woman,
boy or girl that wakes up in any hour of the day to rain incantations against me,
I command you go mad, let your days be dark and slippery, let afflictions be
your brother and pains your sister, let evil be fall you unawares in the mighty
name of Jesus Christ and except you repent ,confess and come genuinely to knowledge
of God through the Lordship of Jesus Christ, let the afflictions be increased
in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Any man, woman, boy, girl that has gone or will go
anywhere against me, I command and decree in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, you
shall never return.

Every arrow/attack before prayers, during prayers
and after prayers targeted against me or my loved ones that love me, break and
return back to your sender in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!
I cover myself with the blood of Jesus Christ and
bear the mark of Jesus Christ upon me.
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Please click on this link for details october 2014 prayer details
This prayer cannot fail
God is set to alter nature because of you
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You are an attacker!
when your phone is blinking
root it out !
This wrestling is a must !
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